This morning I got up early and went garage sale hunting while TJ slept in. :-) I found a wonderful project for us to work on! I bought a bookshelf for $10. Who knew garage sales could be so fun? Last night TJ and I watched the movie Notorious. It was very educational! I had no idea all of that was going on just a year before Britney Spears came out.
TJ's boss called last night and told him the morning program was canceled so he didn't have to go in until 11. So I decided we should go sit by the pool, and even if you go to the pool at 9 a.m. it is hot as blazes out there. Here are our pictures of TJ doing wild cannonballs off the benches near the pool.
OOhhhh cannot wait to go swimming over there! Where is Aunt Lizi's cannonballs? Katie