Friday, May 6, 2011

MA Graduation

Officially Hooded!

Dinner at Joe Pasta :-)

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Last week in SC

T.J. helping the boys fish on the pier at Folly Beach

Watching the Riverdogs Game

At the Lighthouse on Folly

Morris Island Lighthouse
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Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Charleston Affair

The ladies I am graduating with: Emily, Christina, & Maggie

Randolph Hall looked awesome! Very Swanky.

Last night my friends and I attended "A Charleston Affair," a CofC event to celebrate the current year's graduates. Alumni from all over come back for it and it is quite a spectacle! This event would have been so fun back at WMU :). 
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Monday, April 11, 2011

Purdue Here We Come!

This past week I found out I have been accepted to Purdue's Communication PhD Program! It really is a dream come true and T.J. and I are both very excited to start this new chapter of our lives. Looks like Indiana is the next stop in our journey and this blog will have to change its name!
I was lucky enough to be able to celebrate with my sister and her family because they were down last week for Shelby & Ava's Spring Break. Check out some of the highlights below: 
Chillaxing :-)

What a beautiful family! :-)

Morris Island Light House on Folly Beach

Cheesin' at the Lost Dog Cafe

Beach Dance Party Night

At the Loggerhead restaurant

Sunday, April 10, 2011

T.J. turns 23

We celebrated by going mini-golfing at Blackbeard's Cove in Mt. P! We both got a hole in one.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

NC Cabin Trip

Can you see TJ down there really tiny? He was putting on his waders to go in the river.

Our cabin from down by the river.

Awesome windows inside.

The dogs and I relaxing! We had so much fun just being able to get away for a few days.
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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Graduate Poster Session - Jan 2011

My friends and colleagues Sarah Anderson and Maggie Travis with our poster on Complaining and Relationship Stages.

My poster on my Thesis Research (Nonverbal Clothing Code Messages)... still in process. I did just enough data analysis so I could present this poster. It should be finished after I spend my Spring Break working on it instead of having fun... in March! Oh the life of a Graduate Student.
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Ravenel Bridge

T.J. and I had a nice walk on the Ravenel Bridge last weekend. The view of the Charleston Harbor was amazing. It's no Mackinac Bridge... but it was pretty cool!
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Monday, January 10, 2011

Christmas 2010

T.J. and I were so happy to be home in MI for the holidays.

Dad reading Night Before Christmas to all the kiddies.
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